SOI: HTML Tags in title and description after ticket creation
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SOI: HTML Tags in title and description after ticket creation


Article ID: 268186


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


After creating alerts, which include URLs in the summary or in the message section, these URLs are accompanied by HTML tags in the corresponding HPSM tickets. 

Example :

Summary of the alert (taken from EventStore file): 
"<summary>[2019-04-3T11] API endpoint https://example.api/resource/resource returns HTTP Error 400</summary>"
"<message>The application DAF (DE) has received the HTTP error 400 (Bad Request) when calling the endpoint https://example.api/resource/resource at 2019-04-11T11:59:07.831Z. The error has likely resulted in loss of business because of direct customer impact. Please investigate the reason for this error and take corrective action to prevent recurrence.</message>"

Title in HPSM: 
"[2019-04-3T11] API endpoint <a href="https//example.api/resource/resource">https://example.api/resource/resource</a> returns HTTP Error 400"
Description in HPSM: 
"Occurences:1<br>The application has received the HTTP error 400 (Bad Request) when calling the endpoint <a href="//example.api/resource/resource">https:///example.api/resource/resource</a> at 2019-04-11T11:59:07.831Z. The error has likely resulted in loss of business because of direct customer impact. Please investigate the reason for this error and take corrective action to prevent recurrence."


Release : 4.2


Code defect


We have fixed the issue from the Helpdesk connector version-1.2.2.

Please open a support ticket if you want to get a hotfix.