As part of Pre-DB2 13 Work is to convert SIMPLE to UTS.
Table is defined in a Simple TS they were trying to convert and dropped it.
Only product we use for DB2 purposes is SYSVIEW aka INSIGHT for Z/OS.
Does INSIGHT need that Table for any reason? Can we not recreate it?
Release : 20.0
Table is defined in a Simple TS they were trying to convert and dropped it. Insight(IDB2) or Sysview for Db2 Performance for Z/OS doesn't use PTDB. IDB2 has its own objects located in HIGHLVL.CDBASKL0(ARCDDL) or HGHLVL.SOURCE(ARCDDL). PTDB is for the rest of CA/Broadcom db2 tools products like Detector, Plan Analyzer, etc...