How to remove Link on login page- Not able to access your account?
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How to remove Link on login page- Not able to access your account?


Article ID: 268116


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


I want to remove the link "Not able to access your account?" from the IM login page (see attachment). How can I do this?



Release : 14.4


The default login page is just a sample that you can customize as needed. We advise that you create a custom skin for your organization rather than modify the defaults, which will be overwritten during upgrades. The documentation explains how to create and customize skins in the section Branding the User Console:

The specific elements, like Contact Us, Not able to access your account, etc. are in the login.jsp page. The default login.jsp page is located in <AppServer_Deployment_Directory>/iam_im.ear/user_console.war.

You can add, remove, or modify the page as needed.

For example, to remove Not able to access your account?, a link to the Unlock User task, you could remove or comment out this area of code in login.jsp:

html: '<div><a href="<%= envBaseURL %>/<%= envPublicAlias %>/ui7/index.jsp?task.tag=<%= unlockUserTaskTag %>"><%= HtmlUtil.escapeQuotes(unlockUserLink) %></a></div>'