Missing DSUNLDOV program used to expand the OV database
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Missing DSUNLDOV program used to expand the OV database


Article ID: 268109


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt


IN the PROC used to EXPAND the OV database CADSOVX, PROC STEP UNLODOV1, its running program DSUNLDOV, I cant find this program in the DISPATCH loadlib or CSI?


dispatch, 11.7, dsexovx, cadsovx, unloadov1, DSUNLDOV, missing, program, ov, database, file, expansion, increase, size


Regarding your Dispatch case and the missing DSUNLDOV program shown in the DSEXOVX/CADSOVX proc...

Program DSUNLDOV is created and punched into the loadlib during execution of the DSEXOVX job itself. Prior to running DSEXOVX, it does not exist.  

* Note that All of the database file expand jobs do this same thing, with different program names.

You can ignore any JOB SCAN/JCL CHECK warning messages associated to missing programs in all of these jobs.