Visualizer Tomcat is failing to start due to high number of locations.
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Visualizer Tomcat is failing to start due to high number of locations.


Article ID: 268085


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


If there are many locations (>70k) then whenever services are restarted the Visualizer tomcat fails to start.


1. Create CI's and create or Load 70k locations. 
2. Recycle the SDM services and below messages are seen in visualizerMS.log:

INFO - 2023-05-25 16:38:54 [c.b.visualizer.sdm.CacheLoader] - Master Data Cache : Number of object to cache for factory: loc is 70112

ERROR - 2023-05-25 16:40:02 [] - Timeout receiving response for the message:  [User: ]; [Method: call_attr]; [Arguments: loc, sync_fetch, MLIST_STATIC, delete_flag=0, -1, 0, name ASC, ]
ERROR - 2023-05-25 16:40:02 [] - Timeout waiting for slump response: ReceiveTimeout
ERROR - 2023-05-25 16:40:02 [c.b.visualizer.sdm.CacheLoader] - Master Data Cache : Error fetching master data for factory: loc ReceiveTimeout
ERROR - 2023-05-25 16:40:02 [c.b.visualizer.sdm.CacheLoader] - Exception occured in cacheSDmFactory

ERROR - 2023-05-25 16:40:02 [c.b.visualizer.sdm.CacheLoader] - Exception occured while caching the info

INFO - 2023-05-25 16:40:02 [c.b.visualizer.sdm.SDMGraphDAOImpl] - Failed to load master data into cache.
ERROR - 2023-05-25 16:40:02 [c.b.visualizer.sdm.SDMGraphDAOImpl] - Failed to load the master data in cache...


Release : 17.3


Fix is included in 17.3 RU23 and 17.4 GA.