Password Self Service does not work when SiteMinder is integrated with CA Advanced Authentication.
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Password Self Service does not work when SiteMinder is integrated with CA Advanced Authentication.


Article ID: 268084


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SITEMINDER CA Advanced Authentication CA Advanced Authentication - Risk Authentication (RiskMinder / RiskFort) CA Advanced Authentication - Strong Authentication (AuthMinder / WebFort)


Use case:

User password expired and tries to logon to MFA protected realm.

User gets prompted for username/password and OTP.

Then user is redirected for Password Changed but the password change does not succeed and goes into loop of changing password page.



Release : 12.8.06 (Applicable to all the supported releases)
Release: 9.x (Applicable to all the supported releases)
Component: Policy Server (SMPLC) Integrated with the CA Advanced Authentication.


adaptershim.ini file had the optional configuration to load other authentication scheme.

AuthSchemeParam=https://www.<host name>.<Your domain>/siteminderagent/forms/login.fcc?;ACS=0;REL=1

This overrides the default /arcotlogin/shim.fcc and able to login the user but breaks the password change.



The configuration worked fine once the above mentioned optional configuration was commented out and when using the default /arcotlogin/shim.fcc