How To Relabel Timesheet Buttons
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How To Relabel Timesheet Buttons


Article ID: 268070


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Clarity PPM On Premise


End users would like to button labeled 'Return' to 'Reject' as it is more obvious action to reject a timesheet.
They have mistaken the 'Return' to mean return to previous page.
How can the button be relabeled?



Release : 16.0.3+


1. Navigate to $CLARITY_HOME/META-INF/uif/wars

2.Make a copy of the ppm-ux.war file as a backup. Linux “cp ppm-ux.war ppm-ux-bkp.war”.

3.Make a new directory temp. Linux “mkdir temp” and copy ppm-ux.war to this folder. “cp ppm-ux.war temp”.

4.Change directory to temp and extract ppm-ux.war. Linux “cd temp”, “jar -xf ppm-ux.war”.

5.Delete the file ppm-ux.war. Linux “rm ppm-ux.war”.

6.Change directory to a directory with has a number that starts with 1603. Under this navigate to i18n/en. (directory looks like 1603xxx/i18n/en).

7.Edit timesheet.json and Modify the Return Label to “Reject”.

8.Once this change is done change directory back to temp.

9.Run “jar -cf ppm-ux.war *” to create the war file.

10.Move the war file to META-INF/uif/wars and replace the existing one.

11.Remove the application and add it again “service remove app”, “service add deploy app”.

NOTE: This ppm-ux.war should be copied to all the other members of the cluster.

Each time, there is an upgrade, the instructions have to be performed.


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tttran_061523 - created article