Notification name
Change Request - Assigned change request
Project - Added participants
(Note: could be other notifications seeing this issue - appears to be related to old defect DE54328)
SUMMARY: When the multi-value field is added to the notification and field has two or more values, only one value shows up in the field name in the email notification as well as in the notification in the Organizer > notification area in Classic.
Steps to reproduce:
1) On the Change Request object create an attribute called 'Test MVL' using a static list lookup with at least two values.
2) Add 'Test MVL' attribute to the ootb notification 'Change Request - Assigned change request' body
Test MVL: $[Change Request.test_mvl]
3) Create a new change request and select two values for the custom multi select field 'Test MVL'
4) Assign CR to user to trigger the notification.
Expected result: Two values appear in 'Test MVL' name in the notification
Actual: One value appears in name in the notification
Release : 16.1.2
DE70391 - OOTB Notifications do not show complete list from values of multi-select field, is resolved via Engineering code change and resolution will be available as part of 16.1.3 (August 2023).