This case is about automating the installation of the platform updates.
I see files in the patches directory (*.L7P, *.LCK, and *.status). Uploading the patch works fine but when installing the patch, I receive the following error:
# echo $PlatUpdate
# ./ install $PlatUpdate
Patch API Error: Cannot install patch when status is NONE
API Gateway 10.1
So when you install the patch, the file name is Layer7_API_PlatformUpdate_64bit_v10.1-CentOS-2023-05-23.L7P. When you look at the uploaded filenames, you'll see a slightly different name: Layer7_API_PlatformUpdate_64bit_v10.X-CentOS-2023-05-23.L7P
If you edit the environment variable to reflect v10.X, it works just fine.