exclude some transactions in APM
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exclude some transactions in APM


Article ID: 268003


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CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope)


We can see the transaction trace limit as 5000, and get the below logs for the same where it has been mentioned that post 5000 traces the transactions won’t be recorded.

[WARN] [IntroscopeAgent.WilyTransactionStructure] Transaction trace component limit of 5000 reached, recording of any new components will cease for this transaction.

 Is it possible to exclude some transactions based on URI?  Is ther a way to tell DX APM not to record transaction for particular URIs?



Release : 20.2


This is a warning message and not an ERROR.

Currently it is not possible to filter specific traces.  However you can increase the default traces clamp in the Agent properties as well as disable the tracer sampling (if not needed).