Debug Error CA Plex Action Diagram Debug DLL OB721NDG.DLL could not be loaded
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Debug Error CA Plex Action Diagram Debug DLL OB721NDG.DLL could not be loaded


Article ID: 268001


Updated On:


CA Plex


I have a function that is giving a debug error. I have Generated and Built the function with the debug options turned off.  How do I find what function needs to be re Genned and Built?



Release : 7.21


If the model is not big, you can gen and build the whole model. There is some previous example

Click to check a previous example

If the model is very big, you would  need to check the application's execution flow for how/where the error is being reported. For example, clicking on a pushbutton that is launching another function which might be reporting the error while loading the function's dll, then verifying the pushbutton's event mapping in local model, will help to find the problematic function.