DCS 6.9.3 Windows Agent Hotfix now available
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DCS 6.9.3 Windows Agent Hotfix now available


Article ID: 266533


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced


DCS 6.9.3 Windows Agent Hotfix now available


DCS Windows Agent
Windows OS


Current Hotfixes and Releases

Latest Version:
Date of Update: February 2nd 2024
Filename: Symantec_Data_Center_Security_Server_Advanced_Windows_Agent_6.9.3.2542.zip

Checksum: bc1a4036f0c2d03255025c90ae1f3a73


File: agent-2542.exe

This hotfix can be downloaded from the Broadcom Download Portal

For a list of the supported Windows OS, please see the DCS 6.9.3 Platform Feature Matrix

Enhancements and Resolved issues in this Agent version:

  • Resolved issues in this agent version:

    • High CPU caused due to policy re-translation

      • Due to a truncation issue in one of the functions, the DCS agent was triggering policy re-translation every 10
        minutes. It resulted in a high CPU.

    • Third party component upgrades - OpenSSL, cURL and zlib

      • DCS is not impacted by CVE-2023-38545 reported for cURL.
        We updated the components as some vulnerability scans where picking up the version that the DCS Agent was using, raising alarms on some security dashboards. Due to dependency, OpenSSL and zlib were also required to be upgraded. 

Prior Hotfixes and Releases (Superseded by newer versions above)

Prior Version:
File: sdcssa_agent_6_9_3_2521.zip

Checksum: 8bdb797daa0b2663b1800389a17c50fe

File: sdcssa_agent_6_9_3_2521.exe

For a list of the supported Windows OS, please see the DCS 6.9.3 Platform Feature Matrix

Enhancements and Resolved issues in this Agent version:

  • Processing of custom lists used in IPS policy is improved, reducing the time to apply a policy.
  • In certain instances, the Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) agent and the Data Center Security (DCS) agent installed on the same Windows Server results in the server begin unresponsive.

Additional Information