Where do I find the virus definitions date for SPE 9.0?
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Where do I find the virus definitions date for SPE 9.0?


Article ID: 266348


Updated On: 08-31-2023


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


Where do I find the virus definitions date for SPE 9.0?



Release : 9.0.0


To check the current Date and Time of all content for a single SPE server at the Windows cmd prompt

  1. At the cmd prompt, to navigate to the default installation location, type:
    cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine"
  2. To check the versions of all content, type:
    find "DefinitonDateTime" report.xml

To check the current Date and Time of all content for a single SPE server at the Linux bash prompt

  1. At the bash prompt, to navigate to the default installation location, type:
    cd /opt/SYMCScan/bin
  2. To check the versions of all content, type:
    grep "DefinitonDateTime" report.xml

In the SPE 9.0 Application Console

  1. At the top, click Change
  2. Select the client group or individual server
  3. Click the Home tab on the left navigation bar.
  4. On the Dashboard locate the Virus Definitions column
  5. Scroll down to the SPE instance where you seek to check the Virus Definitions date.