Enable Debug logging for Protection Engine 9.x Console and REST API
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Enable Debug logging for Protection Engine 9.x Console and REST API


Article ID: 264918


Updated On: 05-27-2024


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


When using the Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) 9.x Management Console and REST API, you may need to elevate the logging to debug in order to troubleshoot communication or authentication errors.


Elevating log levels:


  1. Browse to the SPE installation directory and go to the REST API folder.
    • For Windows, the default installation directory is: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine\RestAPI\log4j2.xml
    • For Linux, the default installation directory is: /opt/SYMCScan/RestAPI/log4j2.xml
  2. The file will be locked by default, you will need to uncheck this option in the Properties screen:
  3. Edit the file and change the level to debug for "com.symantec.spe" and "spe.authentication"
  4. Restart the REST API service.
    • Windows:
      1. Open the services panel
      2. Right click on "Symantec Protection Engine REST API"  and select "Restart"
    • Linux: 
      1.  Run the following commands:
        cd /opt/SYMCScan/RestAPI
        ./restapi.sh restart

Console Logs

  1. Close the SPE Console application
  2. Navigate to: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine Console\CMaF
  3. Edit the file log4net.config
  4. Scroll to     <level value="INFO" /> and change this to DEBUG:
  5. Save the file and re-launch the SPE Console

Collecting Logs:

RestAPI Logs:


On Windows the default location for the SPE RestAPI logs is:
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine\RestAPI\log



On Linux the default location for SPE RestAPI logs is:


Console Logs:

The default location for the SPE console logs is:
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine Console\CMaF\logs