When attempting to export a VIP AuthHub configuration using XPSExplorer to build an xcart, however, although XPSExplorer can see and manage ExternalOIDCProviderConfig objects, it does not allow for granular export of these objects.
Release: 12.8.06
The ExternalOIDCProviderConfig is not marked in the Policy Store for external export, preventing the object from being added to an xcart.
On the Policy Server, navigate to <policyserver_install>/xps/dd/ and open smobjects.xdd file.
Find the entry "ExternalOIDCProviderConfig" in the file, the class definition will be as shown below:
Description=Contains the Connection information required to connect to external OIDC Provider
Add another attribute "ImportType=Add" to the above class definition. After modification, it should look like this:
Description=Contains the Connection information required to connect to external OIDC Provider
Save these changes.
Navigate to <policyserver_install>/bin and run the following command to update the schema definitions in the Policy Store:
# XPSDDInstall <policyserver_install>/xps/dd/SmObjects.xdd
After performing the above procedure relaunch XPSExplorer and the ExternalOIDCProviderConfig objects will be granular exportable.
Note: This limitation is corrected in release 12.8.7 and higher.