The Service Level Objective (SLO) matrix based on the severity level of each case.
DLP Release : 15.8, 16.X
SLO information that is documented in the support handbook available for each severity level- Broadcom® Software Broadcom Maintenance Policy Handbook Reference Manual
Support Response Times
While problems of all severities may be logged on a 24x7 basis, case-handling priority is given to severity 1 problems. Lower-ranked severities are addressed within regional business hours. Depending on the time of the day a problem is logged therefore, a response may not be provided until the next regional business day.
Assigning Severity Levels
As a designated contact, you are responsible for determining the initial severity level of each problem you log with us. The severity level reflects your assessment of the potential adverse impact to your business and needs to match the definitions described above.
If we determine that the severity level assigned to your case does not align with our definitions, we will re-categorize it to reflect those definitions. As your case progresses, the seriousness of your problem may change and may no longer match the initial severity level you assigned. In such cases, we will also reclassify your case, to reflect our definitions, and will handle your case in accordance with the corrected severity level.
Continuous Efforts
Eligible customers may request that Broadcom provides “continuous efforts” to work on a severity level 1 case. Continuous efforts means that our technical support personnel will provide uninterrupted efforts 24 hours a day including weekends and holidays to address a severity 1 case. If you request continuous efforts, our ability to provide such continuous efforts will depend on the availability of your designated contact to continue problem resolution. If you do not request continuous efforts, or if your designated contact is not available to help us, work on your case will stop at the end of your regional business hours and resume at the start of the next business day for your region. Continuous efforts will generally be performed in English outside of regional business hours where we may provide specific language support.
NOTE: Our initial efforts will focus on making your Broadcom product operational, and there may be temporary degradation in performance while we continue to work to address your problem. Continuous efforts apply to severity 1 problems only