ZWEAS003E Internal authentication error: An MVS environmental error has been detected. Please contact support for further assistance. {928e3d92-30dc-44af-ac3e-0
0fc1093685} Security error details: EMVSERR: An MVS environmental error has been detected, JREnvDirty: The specified function is not supported in an address space where a load was done that is not program controlled, Returned: PlatformReturned(success=false, rc=0, errno=157, errno2=151782063, errnoMsg=EDC5157I An internal error has occurred. (errno2=0x090C02AF), stringRet=null, objectRet=null
Release : 15.1
Component: Datacom SQLPA
The problem occurs because the shared objects (.so) files in the SQLPA /.../lib subdirectory does not have the 'Program Controlled' extended attribute set.
This can be easily checked:
$ ls -E
total 512
-rwxrwxrwx --s- 1 USER1234 GROUP123 253952 Jul 14 2022
To set the 'Program Controlled' extended attribute, from the sqlpa-n.n.n-n subdirectory issue the command:
extattr +p lib/*.so && chmod +x lib/*.so && chmod a+x lib/*.so && ls -E lib/
as stated on "Install the SQL Performance Analyzer" section of Datacom 15.1 documentation.