We have reports that defaulted to ERO entry "/* MARK ..." after a View backup ran, rather than use of SARINIT NGEND/NGENT for retention.
The only reports not affected were the ones that were not defined in the ERO table prior to a recent table change.
Release : 14.0
The client had the following SARINIT parameter settings:
With SARINIT POPT=M and a sole ERO entry of "/* MARK ...", then reports that are not marked will get no retention and will be deleted at the next View backup.
SARINIT PRETAIN=TABLE indicates to not use retentions of NGEND/NGENT.
With POPT=M and PRETAIN=TABLE, non-matching reports will use PCOPIES for retention, if marked.
If a report is not marked, there is nothing to retain, and the report is deleted.
For non-marked reports to be assigned retention via NGEND/NGENT, there needs to be a setting of SARINIT PRETAIN=INIT.
For a non-marked report, setting SARINIT POPT=A (ALL) will assign PCOPIES as retention.