Getting the error This routine cannot be called since an asynchronous operation is currently pending." error, and "sybase: Message String: Login failed." message was logged in sybase.log.
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Getting the error This routine cannot be called since an asynchronous operation is currently pending." error, and "sybase: Message String: Login failed." message was logged in sybase.log.


Article ID: 263718


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)



We are enabling the Sybase monitoring for a windows server, and  need to check through Nimsoft that is it possible to monitor Sybase HADR.



UIM : 20.4

sybase 4.32


Unfortunately this metric is not supported, here is all the supported Metrics via Sybase probe:

Sorry and Unfortunately this metric is not supported, The sybase (Sybase Monitoring) probe allows you to monitor real-time events occurring in the Sybase server.  As per the below link for monitor the metrics, it is not possible to  enable Sybase DB HADR monitoring Sybase probe.

*If this is urgent, I advise contacting your Broadcom Account Manager with the Ideation details/business impact and they can follow up directly with UIM Product Management. 

Another try is to check in the UIM community if someone have any kind of usage like probe or things to help to customize and help you.

Broadcom Service can help you to Create/develop a custom probe based on your needs, so please engage your Broadcom Account Manager with the Business Impact.