SSO integration with SaaS Portal
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SSO integration with SaaS Portal


Article ID: 263660


Updated On:


CA API Developer Portal


We have recently setup SaaS portal with OneLogin and are having errors.  After authentication we are redirected to portal but login to portal is failing with the following errors: The specified username or password was invalid.  We have checked with the OneLogin team and we were told it could be due to Okta. Last attempt to access the portal was at 3:25PM central.  

Portal tenant url: https://<tenant>.<Domain>.com/

After login with onelogin the portal reports failed login send the user to:  /admin/login?login-error=true




Release : 5.1


To get the OneLogin navigation to complete the authentication/authorization and forward to the proper portal home page, needed to add the follow relaystate to the SAML responses  

The Relay state which dev provided was a field

Please use the below Relaystate value as is and try once again.

This worked in our local env using Auth0:

  "authConfigUuid": "f2f38de3-df40-40bd-99ef-c352b7190b34",
  "tenantId": "<Tenant_name>",