The External attribute for the Resource is being unchecked when its language settings are modified on the Mondern UX
Steps to Reproduce:
1. In Classic UI, at the Administration => Resources, select the Properties of the Resource.
Resource: test user- Properties
Set the External attribute to true, "External" checked.
Save the changes.
2. Login with the test user in Modern UX.
3. Click on the avatar of the user, and modify its Settings
Modify Language and/or Locale.
4. Log out.
5. Check again the Reource Properties on Classic UI for the user.
Expected Results: The Language and Locale are modified as per the changes done in Modern UX. External attribute is not modified.
Actual Results: The Language and Locale are modified as per the changes done in Modern UX. External attribute is reset to zero (unchecked)
Release : 16.1.1
This has been reviewed as DE69251
DE69251 will be fixed in 16.1.3