uxupd sap does not return an error if the Variant or Variable is locked
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uxupd sap does not return an error if the Variant or Variable is locked


Article ID: 263533


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


The command "uxupd sap" to update the value of a Variant does not fail when the Variant is being editer by another user as it should.

%UNI_DIR_EXEC%\uxupd sap report=ZUXCREATELOG variant=VARNBLINES variable=NB_LIGNE parameter=2000

On the SAP GUI, the error message appears and it's impossible to do it:

"VARNBLINES is being edited by another user"


Release : 6.x

Component: Dollar Universe

Functional Area: SAP Jobs


Defect: the API used was not a BAPI so it is needed to check the RETURN table structure for possible errors.


Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.

Fix version(s): 
Component: Application Server (Node)
Dollar Universe 6.10.111 - Planned to be released in June 2023
Dollar Universe 7.0.21 - Planned to be released end of September 2023