CAS9 Error CAS9125E Invalid data: Duplicate PROD keyword applying LMP keys
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CAS9 Error CAS9125E Invalid data: Duplicate PROD keyword applying LMP keys


Article ID: 263471


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We applied LMP keys today and keys are applied to all products successfully. However, for one PROD key we are receiving the following errors: 

CAS9174I - CA-LMP SiteID control card processed for Site(siteid)             
CAS9175I - Client Name (customer name)                                           
CAS9115I - Input: PROD(xx) DATE(ddmmyy) CPU(*SITE*-/siteid) LMPCODE(*******
CAS9125E - Invalid data: Duplicate PROD keyword


Release : 15.0
Component : CAIRIM 


Unnecessary dash (" - ") Placed in col 72 of the site card.  The card did not run past col 72

First few lines of CAS9 KEYS file

SITEID(site id) SITECODE(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) NAME(customer name)    -
Prod(xx) Date(ddmmyy) CPU(*SITE*-/site id) LMPCODE(lmp code 1)
Prod(yy) Date(ddmmyy) CPU(*SITE*-/site id) LMPCODE(lmp code 2)

First few lines of CAS9 joblog: 

CAS9115I - Input: SITEID(site id) SITECODE(*********************)  NAME(customer name
CAS9115I - Input: PROD(xx) DATE(ddmmyy) CPU(*SITE*-/site id) LMPCODE(*******
CAS9174I - CA-LMP SiteID control card processed for Site(site id)
CAS9175I - Client Name (customer name)
CAS9115I - Input: PROD(yy) DATE(ddmmyy) CPU(*SITE*-/site id) LMPCODE(*******
CAS9125E - Invalid data: Duplicate PROD keyword

Due to the unnecessary dash in col 72, CAIRIM was treating the first PROD card as a continuation of the SITE card


Remove the dash in column 72 from the SITE card; it is not needed if the entire site card (SITEID, SITECODE, NAME) does not extend to column 72.   
Although the remaining product cards are accepted, the dash is causing CAIRIM to assume that the first PROD card is actually a continuation of the SITE card 

Additional Information

Refer to the Common Services r15.0 documentation for guidelines and details of Adding Product License Keys