With PAMSC upgraded to 14.1 cp05, we see a bad/corrupted gid in the /etc/passwd (whereas we see the good gid in selang) after creating a user.
CA Privileged Access Manager Server Control selang v14.10.50.61 - command line interpreter
Copyright (c) 2018 CA. All rights reserved.
PAMSC> eg giduser unix
Successfully created GROUP giduser
Unix :
Successfully created GROUP giduser
PAMSC> eu giduser unix(pgroup(giduser))
Successfully created USER giduser
Unix :
Successfully created USER giduser
PAMSC> !grep giduser /etc/passwd /etc/group
PAMSC> eu giduser unix(pgroup(giduser))
Successfully updated USER giduser
Unix :
Successfully updated USER giduser
PAMSC> !grep giduser /etc/passwd /etc/group
PAM Server Control 14.1 CP5
There was an issue in the code which was causing the corruption.
The issue was fixed in, all newer endpoints have the fix included. Please upgrade to the newest build.
The newest PAMSC build can be downloaded from the link below.
CA Privileged Access Manager Server Control Endpoint Compatibility Matrix