Can't delete multiple controllers from the console in CWPS at the same time
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Can't delete multiple controllers from the console in CWPS at the same time


Article ID: 263257


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Cloud Workload Protection for Storage


You want to delete multiple controllers from the cloud console at the same time, but it will only let you delete one controller at a time.


Cloud Workload Protection for Storage


Currently, CWP Console doesn't support deletion of multiple controllers. Multiple deletion of controllers is not supported via REST API as well. It was a design decision not to support deletion of multiple controllers. 

This is because, as part of deletion of controller following tasks are performed:

  1. User is prompted to confirm besides deleting the controller, if user wants to delete all the associated storage assets  such as storage accounts associated with that controller. The user response for each controller might be different.
  2. On confirming Yes, by the user, we also delete the associated storage accounts associated with the controller. This reduces the extra effort by the user to manually delete all the associated storage accounts for that controller.
  3. Also, we send an unenroll command to the controller to disconnect from the CWP domain it was enrolled to.


Currently, you must delete them one at a time from the console.