Unable to create custom object with same object ID after deletion
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Unable to create custom object with same object ID after deletion


Article ID: 263161


Updated On: 10-11-2023


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We needed to delete custom object because we had to update attribute types at the source but after object was deleted we were not able to create an object with the same ID.

Steps to Reproduce: 

1: Create a custom object, object name Test 03, object id=z_test_01, API Enable=true

2: Once the custom object is created try to remove it and you will get below prompt stating that all the relation of this object will be deleted.

3. Once removed try to create a new custom object with same details i.e. object name Test 03, object id=z_test_01, API Enable=true

The Error will be thrown i.e. System Error. Contact System Administrator or ERROR ODF-0015: Value must be unique.

4: However, with above error the custom object is created, but there is no way to ascertain if the object is created in complete or partial.

Expected Results:  The custom object removal should be removing all occurrences of it from the DB.

Actual Results: Some reference to custom object id remains in the DB.


Release :


Caused by: Error : 1, Position : 0, Sql = insert into odf_ui_views(id,CODE,VIEW_MODE,VIEW_CLASSIFIER,TYPE,BLUEPRINT_ID,SHARED_WITH,OWNER,IS_SYSTEM,ASSOCIATED_OBJECT_TYPE,IS_DEFAULT,VIEW_TARGET_ID,ASSOCIATED_INSTANCE_ID,NAME,created_date,created_by,last_updated_date,last_updated_by) values(:1 ,:2 ,:3 ,:4 ,:5 ,:6 ,:7 ,:8 ,:9 ,:10 ,:11 ,:12 ,:13 ,:14 ,:15 ,:16 ,:17 ,:18 ), OriginalSql = insert into odf_ui_views(id,CODE,VIEW_MODE,VIEW_CLASSIFIER,TYPE,BLUEPRINT_ID,SHARED_WITH,OWNER,IS_SYSTEM,ASSOCIATED_OBJECT_TYPE,IS_DEFAULT,VIEW_TARGET_ID,ASSOCIATED_INSTANCE_ID,NAME,created_date,created_by,last_updated_date,last_updated_by) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?), Error Msg = ORA-00001: unique constraint (ODF_UI_VIEWS_U1) violated


Workaround: Do not turn on the API Enabled flag till the final cut is out. The above said issue surfaces only when the API Enabled flag is set to true.

So from the initial XOG file remove apiEnabled="true", don't not mark API enabled as true. And once all the changes were done mark that flag as true from XOG or from the UI.

The issue tracked as DE69131 is fixed in version 16.1.2