No data for Db2 Report
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No data for Db2 Report


Article ID: 263142


Updated On:


Mainframe Resource Intelligence


Within the Db2 MRI report, the job runs, but no data is produced.
In the joblog, it shows Db2 is active, but it shows it is inactive within the MRI report.
What may be causing this problem?


Release : 1.0


This may occur when only the tailoring part of the installation has been done. The tailoring itself doesn't do any Db2 data collection. It discovers Db2s on the LPAR and allocates and tailors all necessary JCLs for subsequent steps.

The joblog belongs to the MRIDBSET JCL. The second file (deva_db2_MRI.PM.1047fix.txt) is the JSON file, which was pre-allocated and initialized by the MRIDBSET job. From the "Report_Run": "No" key value is obvious that no scanning was executed.

Please go into the MRITOOL.JCL dataset and submit the SCANDB2 JCL. This JCL will then collect all necessary data from Db2 and writes them to the JSON file.