Generate probe alarm if command result or file is empty
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Generate probe alarm if command result or file is empty


Article ID: 263054


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


  • I have a question about the logmon probe.
  • Can the probe generate an alarm if the output of the command that I want to monitor returns an empty result? 
  • I need to verify if specific text shows up in the file, and if not, generate an alarm. I tried to use a regex for this but when the file was empty logmon did not generate an alarm.


  • Release: 20.4
  • logmon 4.20
  • dirscan 3.19


You can use the dirscan probe to monitor a file and alarm if it's empty, (if size is = 0), generate an alarm.




Additional Information

How to run a logmon command parse output and if keyword/string is NOT found generate alarm