Is there a way to stop updating email address with certain domain names when running pdm_ldap_import?
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Is there a way to stop updating email address with certain domain names when running pdm_ldap_import?


Article ID: 262992


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


When running pdm_ldap_import command, we do not want to update email address if it has certain domain names, such as "" or "", or etc. Is there a way to stop updating only email address field if it has the specific domain names? 


Release : 17.3


It is not possible to stop updating only email address field when domain of the email address is specific ones, such as "", "" or "", however, you can stop synchronizing the email address of all contacts by creating a custom ldap.mod file as per below.

  1. Create a ldap.mod file with the following definition and store it under NX_ROOT \site\mods\majic folder.
    NOTE: Please remove other definitions that are already defined in ldap.maj file located under NX_ROOT\bopcfg\majic folder. 

    MODIFY ldap email_address DELETE;

  2. Restart the Service Desk service.
    * Please run pdm_status command to ensure all processes are up and running.

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