We have 2 Operator Console servers that are both having the same problem with the uimapi.
I am able to run the /alarms/{alarmid} command to retrieve alarm details.
However, when I run the /alarms/{alarmid}/ack command, I get the following error:
Make sure the ems probe is up and running. The ems probe log should be set to loglevel 5, use a logsize of 10000 and make sure ems log shows no issues/errors.
Using the uimapi, acknowledge the alarm using the specific NIM ID/alarm id.
Note that the response code is a little different for that result, a 204, but that is a successful return code in this case, e.g.,
A simple test you can run in the uimapi is to get all alarms, Click the Get button, then "Try it out" then "Execute the call.
example output:
Mar 29 20:30:35:254 [attach_socket, ems] Dispatching to /acknowledge to api/nas/alarms
Mar 29 20:30:35:255 [attach_socket, ems] ServiceInvoker.invoke (1680732766) - START
Mar 29 20:30:35:259 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] Calling close_alarm callback on NAS: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mar 29 20:30:35:374 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] Querying for affected alarms.
Mar 29 20:30:35:374 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] SQL used to query alarm data
Mar 29 20:30:35:374 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] select a.*, d.cs_id, m.ci_metric_type, m.ci_id, p.cs_attr_value as primaryipv4address
from nas_alarms a WITH(NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN cm_device d WITH(NOLOCK) on a.dev_id = d.dev_id
LEFT JOIN cm_configuration_item_metric m WITH(NOLOCK) on a.met_id = m.ci_metric_id
LEFT JOIN cm_computer_system_attr p WITH(NOLOCK) on d.cs_id = p.cs_id and p.cs_attr_key = 'PrimaryIPV4Address' where alarm_manager is null and nimid in (:nimIds)
Mar 29 20:30:35:374 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] {nimIds=[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]}
Mar 29 20:30:35:374 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] Max Connections Available In Pool : 30 Max Idle Connections In Pool 20
Mar 29 20:30:35:374 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] Current Active Connections In Pool : 1 Current Idle Connections in Pool : 1
Mar 29 20:30:35:393 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] Deleting nas_alarm entry with ID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mar 29 20:30:35:397 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] ServiceInvoker.invoke (1680732766) - END took 0.14s
Mar 29 20:30:35:397 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] ShiftDispatcher.getThrowableObjectEither (1035536133) - END took 0.14s
Mar 29 20:30:35:397 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] ShiftDispatcher.sendResponse (1035536133) - START
Mar 29 20:30:35:397 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] ShiftDispatcher.sendResponse (1035536133) - END took 0.00s
Mar 29 20:30:35:397 [NasAlarmServiceImpl [acknowledgeAlarms] - 67, ems] ShiftDispatcher.dispatch (1035536133) - END took 0.14s