In 16.1.1, although related Risks do show on the To Do Workspace, the Issues and Changes do not.
1. Go to Modern Workspace> Projects >
select an active Project
2. Create an Issue, Risks, Change
3. Associate a ToDo for each Issue, Risk , Change
Assign an owner.
4. Delete a Change ToDo and create Change Todo again.
5. Go to Modern Workspace> To Dos
Validate the To Dos do show on the individual Risk Issue and Change created.
Actual Results:
The issue and change ToDos do not show on the 'All' tab.
Only the Risks ToDos show.
Expected Results:
ToDos should appear on Issues, Risks, Change, and just not Risks.
Release : 16.1.1
This is reported as DE69185/DE67710 and is resolved in 16.1.2
The workaround is to clear security.caches and log out and log back in.