Customer deploying kubernetes gateway cluster looking for what options are available for updateStrategy.type Deployment Strategy
Release : 10.1
Gateway charts use the default rolling strategy
Kubernetes Deployment strategies:
A rolling deployment is the default deployment strategy in Kubernetes. It replaces the existing version of pods with a new version, updating pods slowly one by one, without cluster downtime.
The rolling update uses a readiness probe to check if a new pod is ready, before starting to scale down pods with the old version. If there is a problem, you can stop an update and roll it back, without stopping the entire cluster.
To perform a rolling update, simply update the image of your pods using kubectl set image. This will automatically trigger a rolling update.
To refine your deployment strategy, change the parameters in the spec:strategy section of your manifest file. There are two optional parameters—maxSurge and maxUnavailable:
MaxSurge specifies the maximum number of pods the Deployment is allowed to create at one time. You can specify this as a whole number (e.g. 5), or as a percentage of the total required number of pods (e.g. 10%, always rounded up to the next whole number). If you do not set MaxSurge, the implicit, default value is 25%.
MaxUnavailable specifies the maximum number of pods that are allowed to be unavailable during the rollout. Like MaxSurge, you can define it as an absolute number or a percentage.
At least one of these parameters must be larger than zero. By changing the values of these parameters, you can define other deployment strategies, as shown below