Classic vs. Modern Project Dependencies
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Classic vs. Modern Project Dependencies


Article ID: 262599


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Dependencies link missing in Project->Properties page

Steps to Reproduce
1. Login as Project Manager
2. Click on the Project link
3. Filter for a project for which the current user is the project manager and select the project
4.Select Properties Tab > go to Dependencies
Expected Result: Dependencies appear with link to child project(s)
Actual Result: Sub Projects and Dependencies are not missing


Release : 16.1.1


Clarity Classic Dependencies feature is very basic where Project Manager adds the required Investments as child investments and they will appear as links within the Parent project. However you will find in Modern UX, the ideal for this functionality is in the newer Hierarchy Module (See below). Modern takes things a step further, where you can build a Hierarchy and see extensively the Parent/Sub Project data.

Modern UX:

Clarity - Hierarchy Module for Investments
-Hierarchy module configured via Blueprint
-Single click to navigate to child investment
-Parent field indicates 'Parent Relationship'
-You can add widgets to aggregate metrics across multiple (child) Investments.

Setting Up Dependencies in Modern:
Login Modern UX
Go to Administration > Blueprints (Create BP with Hierarchy module (make it default or not))
Click on Project Blueprint and Edit
Add Hierarchy Module
Click Save
Open an investment
Go to Project grid
Click Hierarchy
Add parent column and blueprint column
Go to projects grid and add same parent (online order catalog project) to multiple projects
Go to parent project online order cat and make BP change to Hierarchy one
Open Parent project and go to Hierarchy and the dependencies, child projects will display

Hierarchy Module:

Go to Modern UX > Hierarchies
Click (+) to Add Test row
Import the Parent Project
Right click - Auto Import Children

The Hierarchy will show Parent and sub Project data


Clarity Classic Dependencies feature is very basic where Project Manager adds the required Investments as child investments and they will appear in Parent project.


The child investments appear as links within the Parent.