When using Copy action on the custom subobject it is observed Object - Create event versus Object - Update.
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When using Copy action on the custom subobject it is observed Object - Create event versus Object - Update.


Article ID: 262364


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When using Copy action on the custom subobject it is observed Object - Create event versus Object - Update which is causing processes that are based on update event not to trigger.

Steps to Reproduce: 

1. Create custom master object
2. Created subobject under master object created in Step 1
3. Ensure subobject is event and copy enabled
4. Create 2 processes for subobject from Step 2 above, one with create event and another one on update event.
5. Navigate to Home->Custom Objects and choose the object created in Step 1.
6. Create one instance ang go to Subobejct created in steps 2.
7. Create couple of instances of subobject.
8. Open one of the instances in the Edit mode and from the Actions menu click on Copy.
9. Notice the process that is based on create event is triggered and not the one on the update.
10. Also check Event under Process Engine and observe Object - Create raised.

Expected Results: It should raise Object - Update event when Copy action is used.

Actual Results: It is raising Object - Create event when Copy action is used.



Release : 16.0.3, 16.1.0, 16.1.1, 16.1.2


DE68973, resolved in 16.1.3