How to setup an alert to trigger a channel notification only when the thresholds are breached?
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How to setup an alert to trigger a channel notification only when the thresholds are breached?


Article ID: 262352


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CA Application Performance Management SaaS


Currently we have alerts setup in APM that will continuously send channel notifications when a threshold is breached.

E.G.. A caution threshold breach will send continuous notifications (seems to correspond with the periods over threshold value) until the value drops below the threshold.

How would we configure an alert to send 1 notification when a threshold is breached and another if the other threshold is breached.

E.G. Caution threshold is breached -> send 1 notification. Then if the Danger threshold is breached -> send 1 notification.

I believe there used to be a setting in the alert configuration to control this, but I don't see it anymore.



Release : SAAS


- Make sure the "Trigger Alarm Notification" option become enabled after changing the Alarm Type from "All Alarms" to something else and change back.