No action when pressing Upgrade Agents button
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No action when pressing Upgrade Agents button


Article ID: 262227


Updated On:


CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio)


When pressing Upgrade button in Agents, nothing happens.


In nolio_dm_all.log there is following error :

2023-03-17T16:41:52.931Z [http-nio-8080-exec-5] INFO  ( - Retrieving superNodes list for target server - es_<ESName>
2023-03-17T16:41:52.932Z [http-nio-8080-exec-5] ERROR (com.nolio.releasecenter.controllers.v6.ExecutionServersRestController:125) - Controller method error occurred.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: loops not allowed
    at org.jgrapht.graph.AbstractBaseGraph.addEdge(
    at org.jgrapht.Graphs.addEdgeWithVertices(
    at org.jgrapht.graph.builder.AbstractGraphBuilder.addEdge(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


Release Automation 6.x


a ES node is linked to itself as supernode.
Following Query shows some rows with same value for server_id and super_node_id
select * from connected_super_nodes


1- Update the properties of "Execution Servers" and remove the links to itself.
Example :
In below screenshot one ES is linked to itself. We should remove the link by clicking on the red cross
2- If some NES is not reachable, it is not possible to remove the link using GUI.
But it could be deleted using a SQL Query
Execute following SQL Query :
DELETE FROM connected_super_nodes WHERE server_id=super_node_id
to remove the links NES to itself
3- Restart Nolio service on NAC