Mouse over MVL lookup field not displaying its values
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Mouse over MVL lookup field not displaying its values


Article ID: 262126


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Unable to display all values for a MVL (multi valued lookup) on a read only attribute.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create an attribute of data type MVL (multi valued lookup), or use an existing one on the Project object.
Classic UX: Studio => Objects => Project object.

2. Add that attribute to the Properties of a Project on a Blueprint. 
Modern UX: Administration => Blueprints

3. Associate that Blueprint to a Project.

4. Add some values to the MVL lookup attribute (enough values, so that they do not fit on the field length)

5. Secure the attribute to make it read only.
Modern UX: Administartion => Attributes

6. Open the project again and mouse over the MVL secured attribute/field.

Expected Results: Mouse over the attribute should display/popup all values configured for the MVL field.
Actual Results: Mouse over the attribute and the values are not displayed/popup, hence it is not possible to see all values set for the field.


Release : 16.1.1


This has been reviewed by SE as DE68922


DE68922 will be fixed in 16.1.3