While downloading a large number of applications from the Define perspective, half way through it quits and displays the following error in the Desktop Client:
[Wed Mar 01 14:00:33 EST 2023] - An internal error occurred during: "Collecting garbage".
Release : 12.3
CA Workload Automation DSeries Desktop Client uses Eclipse. Eclipse is an IDE Framework. The Eclipse Framework makes it easy for adopters to use the features (buttons, lists, preferences, plugins, perspectives, etc). It is probably most widely known as being a Java development environment/IDE where you can write/debug programs in various coding languages (Java, C++, Angular, Python, etc.).
Update Desktop Client Workspace Settings
Eclipse uses workspaces. The workspace is a directory on the disk where the Eclipse platform and all the installed plug-ins store preferences, configurations and temporary information. Desktop Client uses uses these workspaces. Worksapace configurations for Desktop Clients is maintained in the <DesktopClientInstallDir>/configurations/config.ini. The folder used for the workspace is set using the following property in this config.ini:
Your connections are saved in this workspace. Your preferences are saved in this workspace. The video in WA Desktop Client Tips (recommended) describes how you can "Export Desktop Client Preferences".
Update Memory Settings: