There are two usability issues that was noticed during the reassignment of Idea creator Auto right and Idea Manager Auto rights.
Problem 1: Idea manager right overriding idea requestor right
Problem 2: When the Idea initiator tries to edit team allocations of the idea beyond a certain date the following error shows up:
With the two problems considered shouldn't the idea originator access right be sufficient to manage the idea end-to-end?
Release : 16.0.2
Idea initiator (auto) and Idea - Manager (Auto) working as expected.
"PRJ-10011: You do not have rights to extend the project dates" is due to the lack of sufficient idea investment security rights. If the allocation changes exceed the idea finish date you need either idea Management or idea Edit rights.
To avoid getting the error the clarity admin case give the proposed idea manger appropriate Idea edit access rights.
OR Avoid entering allocation in a time period that would extend the Idea finish date, when the idea requestor (Resource manager) does not have rights to edit the Idea.
Additional points:-
Idea - Initiator (Auto)
The right is automatically granted to the Originating Requestor of the idea when the idea is created and an Idea Manager is not specified.
This right is automatically revoked when an Idea Manager is specified.
Idea - Manager (Auto)
The right is automatically granted to the manager of the idea.
The Idea Manager can edit general properties, Links and Conversations on the idea. The right includes the ability to view the Idea's parents in Classic Ideas Hierarchy tab.
The user will need additional access rights to manage other aspects of the idea such as booking staff, managing Risks, Issues and Change Requests and managing financials.
Manager -
Defines the name of the user that manages and owns the idea. The Idea Manager can edit general properties, Links and Conversations on the idea, but will need additional access rights to manage other aspects of the idea such as booking staff, managing Risks, Issues and Change Requests and managing financials.
Originating Requestor -
Defines the name of the resource originating the idea request. By default, the field displays the name of the current user. When the idea is created without specifying a Manager, the 'Idea Initiator - (Auto)' access right is granted to the Originating Requestor for this new idea. The requestor can edit the general properties, Links and Conversations of the idea. Once an Idea Manager is specified, the initiator access right is revoked.