We upgraded to version 8.6 RU3 and the Application Metering Agent is on version 8.6.1052 but when we look at the driver the Metering agent uses, it shows version 8.1.3335.0. Is this correct?
ITMS 8.6 RU3
The SAMDriver.sys is found in Windows>System32>Drivers and has the File and Product versions of 8.1.3335.0 with a modified date of 9/2/2016 1:27 PM and this is the correct driver version.
NOTE: The current version of the App Metering Agent for ITMS 8.6 RU3 is 8.6.1052 and the following KB article shows the history versions of all ITMS 8.6 Sym Agents and Plug-ins:
208803 What are the released ITMS 8.6 Agent or Plug-in versions and build numbers?