DLP Enforce fails to obtain MIP labels and shows MIP classification sync failed error
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DLP Enforce fails to obtain MIP labels and shows MIP classification sync failed error


Article ID: 261878


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention


You created an MIP profile but it never obtains the data classification labels from Azure. The Enforce is showing the below message:

MIP classification sync failed. Could not connect to Microsoft Azure AD Microsoft 365 Security




There may be a delay of 90 seconds for MIP to respond to the fetch label request. If the request will be not completed in 60 seconds, the Enforce will cancel it and throw an error.


If you see a delay in getting a response from MIP:

  1. Go to C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\15.8.00000\Protect\config and open Enforce.properties
  2. Change com.vontu.enforce.dataclassification.mip.timeout to e.g. 180 seconds.
  3. Save the file and recycle Symantec DLP Manager Service to apply the change.
  4. Try to synchronize your labels.

Additional Information

Before adjusting the timeout setting, make sure that the Enforce can access the URLs listed in DLP Fails to Obtain MIP Labels from Azure (broadcom.com).