Can not open CA NIM configuration page for Help Desk Connector integrated with ServiceNow.
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Can not open CA NIM configuration page for Help Desk Connector integrated with ServiceNow.


Article ID: 261831


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


Trying to configure CA Help Desk Connector and integration with ServiceNow.

The CA NIM configuration page does not open http://x.x.x.x:8080/ca-nim-sm/ui/configurations.jsp


Release : 4.2


- Verify the Service Desk connector is installed in the correct location ...\CA\SOI\nimServer\bin
- the service desk connector was referring to the location of SOI\tomcat\bin instead of SOI\NimServer\bin due to the manually added system variable CATALINA_HOME=../CA/SOI/tomcat

- remove the variable and restarted the helpdesk connector and the connector page started.
- Then follow the instruction in Configure CA NIM and ServiceNow