ERO ID field empty for some sysouts that are under ERO control
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ERO ID field empty for some sysouts that are under ERO control


Article ID: 261824


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When reviewing reports in View/SAR we are seeing some reports that are under ERO control showing the wrong retention value. The sysouts do not reflect the retention that we have defined in the EROPARM member. And, the ERO ID field for these sysouts blank/empty. Under what scenarios does this condition occur?



Release : 14.0


SYSOUTS that are under ERO control and have been archived to DISK will reflect the default SARINIT NGEND and NGENT retention values, as well as have a (blank/empty) ERO ID if...

a. The sysout has not yet been backed up to tape - In which case the 'T' column on the sysout selection list display will also be (blank/empty).


b. If the sysout was backed up due to an INTERIM backup - In which case the 'T' column on the sysout selection list display will show as 'Y'


An INTERIM backup (Invoked via your SARINIT NBACKUP= parameter) does NOT invoke ERO retention processing. Only the STANDARD backup invokes retention processing.