CA Layer 7 API Gateway - Gateway 11 Support Pack Install
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CA Layer 7 API Gateway - Gateway 11 Support Pack Install


Article ID: 261304


Updated On: 03-07-2023


CA API Gateway


In previous versions of the CA Layer 7 API Gateway users could install extra utilities from a Support Pack such as Telnet and TCPDUMP

This functionality remains with Gateway 11 although the steps and details are a little different with the new Gateway 11 Debian based Appliance. Previously you had to open a ticket and request this Support Pack from technical support but with Gateway 11 we are now including the Support Pack in our Monthly Platform Patch zip files.

Utilities Included in the Gateway 11 Support Pack

  • FTP
  • KSH
  • LSOF


Release : 11.0


Before you begin:

If you are having problems copying the Support Pack L7P file (or any other files) to your Gateway 11 appliance please see the following KB article 


The Gateway 11 Debian Appliance Support Pack is available with each Gateway 11 Debian Appliance Monthly Platform Patch which is always available on the Solutions and Patches Page. Please be aware that you must first install the main Monthly Platform Patch to your Gateway as a prequisite to installing the corresponding Support Pack.  Please also be aware that if you are running a multi-node Gateway cluster you should apply the Monthly Platform Patch to Each Node of your Gateway Cluster despite potentially only needing a utility from the Support Pack on a specific node.

Where to get the latest Gateway 11 Monthly Platform Patch

From this page find the latest Gateway 11 Monthly Platform Patch and using the Patching an Appliance Gateway instructions apply BOTH the main Monthly Platform Patch and then the Support Pack. 

Note 1: Please ensure that you reboot your Gateway after applying the main PlatformUpdate file

Note 2: If you have multiple Gateway nodes please ensure that you apply the main PlatformUpdate to each node of your cluster whereas you do NOT have to apply the Support Pack to each node as this can be applied selectively on the node(s) which require the utilities.

Example:  Layer7_API_PlatformUpdate_64bit_v11.X-Debian-2023-02-22.L7P  <-- (This is the main PlatformUpdate file from December 2023 but please choose the LATEST month's Platform Update as these are cumulative releases)

After applying the main PlatformUpdate file and rebooting your Gateway you can apply the corresponding Support Pack that is included in the same .zip file:

Example: Layer7_API_SupportPack_v11.X-Debian-2023-02-22.L7P <-- (This is the corresponding Support Pack L7P file that contains the utilities such as TELNET, FTP and TCPDUMP)

After installing the Support Pack navigate to: /opt/SecureSpan/Support where you will see the directory for the Support Pack as such:

From here you can either choose to run the ./ script which will install ALL of the utilities or you can change into the archives directory and install individual packages as needed with the dpkg and apt commands as per Debian instructions.

To verify packages are installed you can use command Example: dpkg - | grep ftp

Additional Information

Helpful Links:

If you are having problems copying the Support Pack L7P file (or any other files) to your Gateway 11 appliance please see the following KB article 

CA Layer API Gateway Patches And Solutions Page 

Patching An Appliance Gateway

How to Use Dpkg Install

How to use apt-get command on Debian 11