Is There Any Way To Require At Least One Numeric Character And One Alphabetic Character In A New Password?
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Is There Any Way To Require At Least One Numeric Character And One Alphabetic Character In A New Password?


Article ID: 26126


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit



We're planning to tighten our rule for characters to be specified in a new password.
Is there any way to require at least one numeric character and one alphabetic character in a new password?




Component: ACF2MS


You need to specify both PSWDALPH and PSWDNMIC fields in the GSO PSWD record.
PSWDALPH specifies that CA ACF2 requires at least one alphabetic character to be present in a new password.
PSWDNMIC specifies that CA ACF2 requires at least one numeric character to be present in a new password.

CA ACF2 also provides other fields that control required characters in a new password such as;
PSWDSPLT requires that a new password contains a national or a user-defined character between the first and last position.
PSWDPAIR specifies the number of consecutively repeated characters allowed to be in a new password.

These GSO PSWD record fields are described in Administrator Guide.