In the Experience View cards shows "No Data" instead values.
Results of the queries:
select external_id, history from (
select vertex_id, count(1) as history from appmap_vertices
where start_time > (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '5 day')
group by vertex_id
order by 2 desc
limit 20) t
join appmap_id_mappings m on t.vertex_id=m.vertex_id;
We have an scheduled task that runs these queries every night, in order to prevent this issue.
vacuum full analyze appmap_edges;
vacuum full analyze appmap_vertices;
vacuum full analyze appmap_attribs;
We replaced these values
# introscope.apm.alert.preserving.time=62 DAYS
with these values. DAYS
introscope.apm.alert.preserving.time=30 DAYS