Permitted values cannot be deleted from a Gen Window
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Permitted values cannot be deleted from a Gen Window


Article ID: 261056


Updated On:


Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed Gen


We tried but failed to delete permitted values from one entity.
There seems to be some unused prompts with those values on some windows.
However we cannot see those prompts in the workstation toolset as an unused prompt or placed on the window, so we cannot delete them.


Component: Gen - Workstation Toolset
Release: 8.6


 Permitted Values can not be deleted   cannot be deleted if it is used on a window in Window Design.

Delete the value from the window before deleting the permitted value

The relevant permitted value fields may be placed only in HTML mode, in which case HTML mode needs to be enabled in order to see and delete them.

Additional Information

Lynn, June 23, 2023:
Post the initial publication, I just removed extra blank lines from the Resolution field and I also added all 4 Gen product names (I forgot to remind Sindhu to do that).