Several DUAS nodes are displaying connected with a warning. When carrying out a Full Synchronisation the following message can be seen in the universe.log:
| 2023-02-27 12:01:44 |WARN |X|IO |pid=3468.6772| uvms_sync_in_ioserver | Full synchronization requested.
| 2023-02-27 12:01:59 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=3468.6772| o_sync_uvms | Error decoding sync result. Time out reached
The nodes are still operational but will not sync to the UVMS.
Checked the network and the DUAS and both UVMS can see each other and they are all on the same network, so it does not seem to be a network issue.
On one of the nodes (i) stopping the node, then (ii)n unregistering and (iii) re-registering the node resolved the issue.
Release : 6.10
The synchronization is not finished within the time set in UVC > Administration > Nodes > Node Settings > Technical Settings > Time-out for connections to UVMS (seconds) = 15 (default)
Increase the UVMS time-out to 30 or 60 seconds on the affected nodes:
Administration > Nodes > Node Settings > Technical Settings > Time-out for connections to UVMS (seconds) = 60