XCOM21205E Server is not registered
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XCOM21205E Server is not registered


Article ID: 260893


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XCOM Data Transport - Windows


The IP address of an External Server was changed. We are now encountering message:

#XCOMN0530E CA XCOM Gateway failed to export file to external Server :XCOM21205E Server ipaddress is not registered

After changing the IP address of the External Server used for the Policy, the IP is resolved and the Authentication is verified successfully via the Gateway GUI. We can also send a file via the GUI, but the transfer will fail when using the Onward script.




Release : 12.0

XCOM Data Transport Gateway for Windows


The Onward script contained the actual new IP address vs the name of the External Server that was given to the server in Gateway for the Policy in question.


In the Transfer XML(Onward script) the REMOTE IPADDRESS field should contain the External Server name instead of the IP address. To verify what is the External Server name that was created/updated for a Policy:

- Logon to Gateway

- Go to the "Administration" tab and select the policy in question. Check what External Server has been assigned to the policy.

- Now click on the "Manage Servers" tab and you should see the External Server definition(s) in question. The External Server name is what you see under the "Server Name" column. 

- Go to the Onward script in question for the Policy and make sure to specify that name for the parameter <REMOTE IPADDRESS="external_server_name".

Additional Information

Here are some additional links that will provide more information:

Gateway message XCOM21205E

Gateway Sample script