In BSI when copying a metric from a (committed) source contract to a new (preliminary) contract for another contract party it is changing the Name to Copied Metric, changing cluster group, and changing the registration
1. Consider a specific Source Metric Registration in a committed contract.
2. Here change Name to Copied Metric, it will change cluster group and change registration (by editing the entry - which is a one-to-one copy of the source)
3. After pressing apply - the page in the target metric turns empty.
4. This is pointing to the wrong metric in an unrelated/other customer's contract.
5. New Line was created in T_METRIC_REGISTRATIONS reflecting the wrong allocations.
6. Also if the client presses apply immediately after the change of e.g. the name of the metric, registration is removed and the source contract is left intact.
BSI Windows 2019
Contact Broadcom Support regarding a solution to defect DE68305